You are intimately acquainted with all my ways.
This is the sign that I see when I go through the doors of
where my test was supposed to take place. Comforting, huh? What’s going through
my mind at this point is, “They are going to put radioactive material into my
body!” Pretty ironic for the girl who makes her own toothpaste. Yep, I love to
have things super duper natural! His ways were definitely not my ways today
with that one. But, that’s what I had to do to get this test done.
They broke the test down into two appointments at the
hospital. One was me sitting at a table while they explained the procedure and
then took a pill with all that lovely radioactive crap, sliding down my gullet.
Next appointment was the actual scan. It was really two scans. One was a
contraption that had the word “gamma” in it and all I could think about were
all the Marvel comic movies that I’ve had the privilege of watching since I've married Dan. As I sat there, the Spirit of God which God put inside me when
I believed in Jesus, reminded me of a verse. Keep in mind, I’m sitting there
with this gamma gun pointed at my thyroid. “You know when I sit down and when I
rise up.” Over and over again that’s what I heard. “You’ve hemmed me in behind
and before.” God knew… no God planned that I would be sitting there in front of
a gamma gun this morning. He hemmed me into that little gamma gun seat.
It was a rough day. I think when you leave a day
inconclusive no matter what it is, it’s a hard day. When you don’t know if you
got a job. When you’ve had a fight with your spouse and went to bed angry. When
you still have tons of work to do on a project for work or school. When a relationship never receives the
closure you were hoping for. Living life when there is no conclusion is hard.
That’s why I think the words of Jesus at the cross are so incredibly beautiful
and pregnant with comfort… “It is finished!” He gives the conclusion that I
need. His conclusion at the cross can be enough for me today.