
Showing posts from December, 2010

All of grace!

All of grace. More than ever before, God is showing me a glimpse of how my life is all of grace. How is He showing me that? Well, through the life of my little 6 month old son Moses. Moses has quite the medical history for only being on this planet for almost 6 months. I'd venture to say that he has been in the hospital more than most people will have to be in their life. He's got this problem with his muscles and his feeding. Weak heart, weak arms and back, weak suck and swallow. I guess you could say that weakness is the word to describe him. Weakness has also been the result in my life since he was born. Having a child who has medical problems brings an overall weakness or maybe more just exhaustion. Lots of doctor's visit and therapy. But enough about the circumstance. Let's get more to the God of the circumstances. You see, through all this and even just a few days ago my question and even anger at times is just why God. Why are you doing this to me? Why are you ...