How mom's can love their kids when it is hard

How mom’s can love their kids

when it is hard

Image result for mom holding child's hand

                By Hannah Stone

             Chapter 1  Loving God

When kids get in trouble it can be hard when you have lots of kids to take care of or when you are stressed out. But when you trust in Jesus everything is possible. Trusting in Jesus can be hard sometimes but when you do he will strengthen you to do anything. Jesus can do miracles in your life when not expected at all. Like when you accept Jesus into your heart. When you die you will go to heaven and see Jesus there and everything will be perfect.When your kids are stressing you out or you are having a hard time trust in the Lord and He will give you strength. When you love the Lord He will give you the power to take care of your kids. One year olds,two year olds and I could go on and on. I love the Lord very much and you should to. If you don’t love Jesus I will pray for you and I hope you will ask Jesus into your life. 

You know what would make your life even better? Praying for your kids! So I hope you will love Jesus and all of the people around you. That would please God very much. God is the best King you could ever ask for if you ever want one. God will answer your prayers with a yes,no or a maybe. And if you don’t know how to pray start with saying Dear Jesus or Heavenly father,then you say something that you need help with or something that you need  or someone that needs help then when your done say Amen or in Jesus Name Amen. Loving God is very important because He wants everyone to know Him so that he can come back to earth and there will be a big party and it will be the best party ever. I want to go to that party and you should to. Loving God is the thing that you should do most. 

And it also                                                 
                  what matters

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