All Creatures Of Our God And King

Today was a good day. Actually it was more than that. This is what I mean by being more than just good. You know how when you are talking to an acquaintance and they ask you how your day is going? Everyone has been there. What is your response many a times? "It's good. How bout yours?" And you know that you say that it's good even though you may be having the worst day of your life. We've all been there. But that's not what I mean when I say that my day was good. My good means that it was filled with little snippets of praise and just fun.

One of the main reasons for the good day was this morning. I've just recently discovered the pleasure of having a cup of coffee in the morning. I don't necessarily like the sensation of a caffeine jolt in the morning, because I drink decaf, but I do love the act of just sitting down and sipping a nice hot drink, especially when this morning was chilly and foggy. It's a ritual that I'm convinced some people in America enjoy because it can be one of the only moments in the day where we busy Americans just sit and relax. Anyway, having a cup of coffee with Dan, talking and just listening to worship music. Then, my precious two year old girl starts singing one of the hymns that I sing to her at night. Singing hymns at bedtime is one of the ways that I'm trying to teach her about Jesus. I never knew if she was really listening to the words or if she just liked the sound of my voice. "Hallelujah, hallelujah. Oh praise Him, oh praise him." These were the sweet words coming out of her mouth, her own rendition of All Creatures of Our God and King. Then she asked me to sing with her. I wish that you could hear her own little Hannah accent. I think that it went something like, "Mommy sing." Very forthcoming. So, in submission to the two year old queen, I rejoiced to sing with her. I hope that I never forget the wonder of sing with my little to our great God. He truly has perfected praise on the mouths of babes!

What a gift of grace that my daughter is learning the words to these great hymns. Granted I know that she doesn't understand what they mean yet, but it's a start. Those truths are already being implanted in her mind and I pray that one day the Holy Spirit ignites the kindling that Dan and I are placing around her. We cant make her love Jesus. We don't have the power to open her eyes to see his beauty and desire it. But, we are going to do our best to put glimpses of Him before her.

Take heart in your teaching! You may have no idea what is been planted in your child's mind. With that said, be warned as well. We live in an incredibly influential culture. In one breath I can hear my daughter singing praises and in the next I hear her singing Elmo's World. Don't get me wrong to say that these are bad things. I'm just starting to see that my daughter needs more guidance and explanation than I thought. And I don't have to be afraid that I am talking to her too much or being to deep because I never know how much she is listening. Be encouraged that God's grace is sufficient and He is the one to change hearts.

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