All of grace!

All of grace. More than ever before, God is showing me a glimpse of how my life is all of grace. How is He showing me that? Well, through the life of my little 6 month old son Moses. Moses has quite the medical history for only being on this planet for almost 6 months. I'd venture to say that he has been in the hospital more than most people will have to be in their life. He's got this problem with his muscles and his feeding. Weak heart, weak arms and back, weak suck and swallow. I guess you could say that weakness is the word to describe him. Weakness has also been the result in my life since he was born. Having a child who has medical problems brings an overall weakness or maybe more just exhaustion. Lots of doctor's visit and therapy.

But enough about the circumstance. Let's get more to the God of the circumstances. You see, through all this and even just a few days ago my question and even anger at times is just why God. Why are you doing this to me? Why are you doing this to our son? This is not how life is supposed to be. There has been this aching in my heart. I believe that Ecclesiastes calls it eternity in our hearts. This sense that this is not what God intended in the beginning. Sure, if Adam and Eve hadn't sinned, maybe this isn't how life should be. But the reality of life is that we live in a sin soaked world. So, as I was looking at my son today and asking God why, He answered me with another question. Why not? Why is it that I am even breathing at all? Day by day, I sin against a righteous and holy God. My God is just. Why is it that there are not more babies and families in this world that are feeling the effects of a broken world? Do you know why? Because God delights in mercy over justice. Why is it that you may have a child who is healthy and I don't? Because God has shown you mercy! The fact that any of us are healthy is a gift of His grace. Every morning that I wake up is a gift from God himself because He knows how wicked I truly am. His mercy is new every morning! How can He show me this great measure of mercy when I don't deserve a shred of it? The answer... Jesus. Jesus took the justice so that we could have the mercy. Jesus took the punishment so that I could have the gift of life every morning and not the justice of death, which is what I deserve.

So, all of life is grace. Grace poured out on me because the power of Jesus' complete sacrifice.

Some people might say that this not fair. God is not fair for "allowing this." I say that God will have mercy on whom He has mercy. And I also trust and delight in the truth that my God delights in mercy over justice. He does not delight in the death of the wicked! God may choose to have mercy on my son and restore him to health. However, He may choose to display the effects of a sin soaked world. He may choose to show that this world is broken and in need of rescue, in need of great care. Whatever my good, and gracious God should decide He is still worthy to be praised! May we be ambassadors of His redemption! May we be a reminder to this broken world that Jesus is coming soon to right all that is broken. May we hope in our great God who will not disappoint. May we embrace this daily gift of life and see it as that, for every moment that I forget His grace is an affront on the life and death of my Jesus. Praise be to Jesus who gave of His life so that I could have mine!
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Sarah Z said…
Thanks for the update! I have been praying for you guys!

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