Wow it's been a long time

So, it's been over a year since I've written a blog and oh what a year it has been!

In August of last year, we sold our only car to go without for 7 months. Not the most fun thing to go through a real winter without a car. However it was amazing to know that we got rid of over thousands of dollars of debt in one day.

In November of last year, we found out that we were having our second child. He was born on July 2nd. Moses Elijah Stone. Doesn't that have a great ring to it? Jesus blessed that baby with a ton of hair! His daddy is a little jealous :) I'll tell you more about his story in a little bit.

March proved to be a tough time of self examination and repentance in Dan and I's marriage. We needed and still need to see how much we are in desperate need of Jesus because we are huge sinners.

May I went into the hospital for 6 weeks because of preterm labor and severe polyhydramnios. It's where you retain a lot of extra amniotic fluid. At 29 weeks, my body was big enough to think that it was time to deliver that baby. So, I stayed in the hospital for 6 weeks trying to hold off on labor. Talk about being brought to a low when you are having contractions every 6-8 minutes for 6 weeks.

Jesus revealed Himself to me during that time in tremendous ways!One of those ways, I want to tell you about. A hard part about me being in the hospital was having an iv for 5 weeks. Apparently I have small rolling veins and so everytime I had an IV placed, it was a lot of pain for me. Sometimes the IV would become dislodged in my hand and that would cause swelling and extreme pain in the hand. I really hated the IVs more than I hated labor. Well, one night by IV was particularly sensitive and I couldn't rest well because I had to be careful not to screw up my IV. I looked at my hands and they were so bruised and had holes in them from all the other previous pokes. It was there that I saw Jesus. I looked at the holes in my hands and felt, literally felt the arms of Christ around me. It was like I could see His nail pierced hand on top of mine. The Spirit in me was reminding me that His hands were pierced so that I could live. My hands were being pierced so that my son could live. I have a special way to tell my son about Jesus someday.

Well, there are a lot of things that I could tell you about my hospital stay but I won't know. I'll let those memories come out in my everyday writing. Or, every month writing.

So Moses was born on July 2nd but not without complications. He was 5 weeks early and not eating. Thankfully though, my labor went really well. I'll tell you about Moses in my next post.

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