So close and yet so far

I'm almost 32 weeks pregnant. I'm tired (can you tell by the picture?). I'm getting sick. I'm uncomfortable. Funny how all this is ushering in what is supposed to be the best change in our life, our little girl. Right now, to be honest, I don't like the change that I've gone through. Sagginess here, bulging there, soar here, weird spot there, oh and so much more. Well, that was my two minutes of complaining. I'm really thankful for the title of this blog, because it gives me perspective in my rants. I shouldn't be thinking on how awful I may think things are. I should be thinking on what is good, pure, right. Good reminder.

Well, this picture is from when we were in North Carolina a few weeks ago. Have I mentioned yet that we are planning to move there next summer? I probably haven't mentioned it because we just broke the news to the last of our family members about two weeks ago. We are so excited and yet terrified at the same time. God is calling us to plant a church out there! Exciting, but hardwork is ahead of us. We see and know that we could be heading into the den of the Pharisees. Someone's got to love the people in the Bible belt. Looks like God is calling us to be that someone. Pray for us! We desperately need it! Pray for a little church in Winston-Salem called 121. Pray that God would grow the people. Pray that people would come to know Jesus because of the people at 121. Pray for change in the city of Winston-Salem, Lord willing our new home.

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