The Beginning

It's kind of weird starting a blog. I never thought that I would do something like this, but oh how life turns in directions other than planned. It almost feels as though I'm introducing myself to someone new...meeting them for the first time. You know. That awkward, "Hi. My name is Melissa. What's yours?" feeling. I suppose I may be meeting someone new, but that's not how I'm going to treat you blog. Blog, I'm going to treat you like you're my best friend. I'm going to treat you like you've known me for years. Why? Because I think that this world needs a little authenticity and let's just face it...change starts with me first. I can't expect someone else to be authentic with me if I'm not authentic with them. So, here's my attempt at authenticity. Hopefully, I won't use this thing as a scapegoat to avoid real authenticity with real people. If I do, I give any and everyone permission to call me out on that.

So, why the title "Think on Such Things?" Well, I'm a thinker. There's hardly ever a waking moment in my life when my mind is not racing with thoughts or ideas. Some people may call it Attention Deficit Disorder. I'd like to call it Intellection. Sometimes it's a huge curse because I have a hard time focusing on one thing, but other people have told me that it's a blessing. That somehow, God has given me an ability to see heart issues, ask good questions. I'm just constantly thinking, hence the "Think."

Why "on Such Things?" That part actually comes from Phillipians 4:8: "Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things." When my mind drifts, wanders, ponders, gets lost, I want it to get lost on such things; the true, the honorable, the just, the pure, the lovely, the commendable.

That's my hope for this blog.


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